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Piano recordings by Mark Heath
Here are several piano recordings produced by Mark Heath, using a number of techniques.
Mozart’s Piano Sonata No 19 in D Major (Adagio) on Yamaha CFX piano
This was produced using the Garritan Yamaha CFX grand piano plug-in, which uses samples recorded from a Yamaha CFX grand piano in Abbey Road Studios.
Mozart’s Piano Sonata No 12 in F Major (Adagio) on Yamaha CFX piano
This was produced using the Garritan Yamaha CFX grand piano plug-in, which uses samples recorded from a Yamaha CFX grand piano in Abbey Road Studios.
Gymnopedie No 1 by Erik Satie on Yamaha P-515 digital piano
This was recorded from the Yamaha P-515 digital piano (emulating the Yamaha CFX grand piano).