Guide on Improving Video Conferencing to Get the Most from Zoom and Skype

Mark Heath photoThe coronavirus pandemic has certainly increased the take-up and usage of video conferencing services such as Zoom and Skype. With many people working from home, it has been an invaluable tool to keep in touch with work colleagues and customers. Outside work, video conferencing has provided a lifeline to keep in touch with family and friends.

Speaking to people, it seems that there is a lot of dissatisfaction with these platforms. Many people complain that they are plagued by poor-quality video with intermittent ‘blips’ and poor quality sound with noticeable delays and echoes. The good news is that many of these issues can be solved through proper set-up and optimisation. Here’s my new guide:

15 Ways to Improve Video Conferencing including Zoom and Skype  |  Increase Broadband Speed

Guide to improve video conferencing