Online Partnership with Paul Braybrooke in Cambridgeshire

Mark Heath photoI really enjoy applying cutting-edge web development techniques and technologies to help local businesses to compete with national (and often) global competitors. As reported in my recent article The Increasing Importance of Website Speed and Simplicity, the introduction of website speed as a key factor in Google’s search engine ranking algorithm in 2021 brings major opportunities and threats for local businesses.

Building my portfolio of commercial websites for 2021, I am delighted to be working with Paul Braybrooke to develop his online presence. We hope to double turnover within the next two years. As well as developing Paul’s presence in the oil heating market (and encouraging households to upgrade to ultra-efficient boilers with low emissions), we hope to jointly develop a presence in green technologies across Cambridgeshire.

As the very first part of a new long-term revenue-sharing agreement with Paul, I am providing a new ultrafast website – to replace an outdated site with Yell. This will be developed over time.

Google Page Insight scoreAchievement of very high scores in Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool has required extreme optimisation of many different design and technology aspects.

These include: dedicated hosting running PHP7.4, a best-in-class WordPress theme, the best-in-class WordPress website builder, the elimination of plug-ins (requiring the development of my own ‘clean’ code), the removal of Google Fonts, extreme image optimisation (including the use of next-generation image formats), advanced server and browser caching, the elimination of render-blocking JavaScript and CSS and selective loading of JavaScript and CSS on a per-page basis.

Paul Braybrooke

In addition, I am developing and managing Google Ads campaigns. For businesses, reliance on Google’s organic listings can be risky and Google Ads potentially provide an effective means to get to the top of Google search listings quickly. However, Google Ads can be very expensive and ineffective if not developed and managed properly or if a long-term approach is not adopted. The revenue sharing agreement with Paul provides the opportunity and time to truly optimise Ad campaigns to achieve success.


You can visit the new website here:

Paul Braybrooke Oil Tanks and Boilers | Oil Heating Specialist in Cambridgeshire


Here is a screenshot from the old website:

Old site


Here is a screenshot from the new website:

New website

For more information about my web development activities, visit:

Website Advice and Development


Other pages you may be interested in:

Blog  |  A Showcase of Website Speed For Google Ranking Advantage  |  The Changing Significance of Mobile Devices For Websites |  About Mark Heath